Research Fellowship Grant

The Asia Minor Research Center (Antalya, Turkey) and Tutku Educational Travel (Izmir, Turkey) jointly sponsor an annual research fellowship for biblical scholars to visit and research in Turkey. The fellowship grant is available for doctoral students and early-career scholars. The cash grant is for $4,000 plus airfare. This amount is designed to facilitate 6-8 weeks of research in Turkey/Asia Minor.
Fellowship Purpose
The fellowship is designed to facilitate biblical research and learning in Asia Minor in the field of biblical studies (NT or OT, but not theology or missiology). The fellowship period should directly contribute to the publication of academic, peer-reviewed research, such as a PhD dissertation, journal article, or monograph. If the fellowship will not directly contribute to publishable academic research, please do not apply. (The fellowships are not for missiology, ministry training, or general learning. For that purpose, please consider the funded Biblical Field Studies program:
Fellows are encouraged to make personal research trips to ancient sites in Turkey. Learning and personal exposure to the physical contexts is highly valued. Transportation across Turkey is safe, convenient, and affordable. Fellows should plan to live in Antalya; the grant includes a work space at the AMRC private library.
Eligibility is not limited to citizens or students of particular countries. Research topics should be focused within the field of biblical studies, particularly the social, material and/or geographical context of the New Testament/Early Christian Origins. There are not assigned dates for the fellowship; in communication with AMRC staff, fellows can select their own dates. Applications and recommendations must be received by Feb 15 of each year. Fellows should plan to visit Turkey in the summer or fall of the same year.
Fellows will be awarded the research grant as tax-free money. All costs including travel (to and from Turkey as well as any academic travel, such as to attend conferences), health insurance, visas, accommodation, and food need to be covered by the grant funds. The AMRC can assist with finding housing in Antalya. Short-term living options, either in the nearby old city (Kaleiçi) or guesthouse, are publicly available. Fellows will need to ensure entry into Turkey; citizens of most Western countries can enter visa-free for 90 days.
Asia Minor Research Center (AMRC)
The AMRC has maintained a private research center in Antalya, Turkey (ancient Attalia) since 2011. The center is located near other academic institutions. The Antalya Archaeology Museum has been recognized as one of the leading classical museums in Europe, and AKMED (Mediterranean Civilizations Research Institute) houses an outstanding research library of approximately 30,000 volumes and journals, focused on the ancient history and archaeology of Anatolia. The AMRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit entity registered in the United States (EIN: 35-2305210).
The AMRC library includes research spaces and internet access. The research center holds one of a large specialist collections of publications from the fields of Jewish and biblical studies, geography, ancient history, epigraphy, and archaeology related to Anatolia. Areas of emphasis could include Acts, Revelation, diaspora Judaism, ancient travel and roads, and inscriptions. The center is patterned after several similar organizations functioning in the Middle East.
Application Process
To be considered for a fellowship grant, you must complete the Application Form (, which includes one recommendation
All applications are judged according to their academic merit based on the submitted documents and external assessments. All steps will be taken to keep submitted documents confidential during the selection process. Information provided will only be used to evaluate the proposal. You can direct any questions to:
Mark Wilson, PhD, Executive Director, AMRC:
Jason Borges, PhD, Associate Director, AMRC:
The deadline for annual grants is February 15.
Complete the online application here.